Friday, April 2, 2010


In honor of today being the first day of Easter break, I made
tropical oats for breakfast this morning.
1/2 cup of oats
1/2 cup of chocolate silk
1 tsp carob powder
1 banana mashed in
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp flaked coconut
2 tbsp dried pineapple

Holy wow that's a lot of ingredients for just a bowl of oats.
No wonder I wasn't very hungry for dinner. That and up until
this very afternoon I had been having some digestive issues. I
really only get constipated a few times a year, but when I do its
pretty bad. I'm used to going a few times a day so once a day for
me is like not going for a few days. Sorry for the T.M.I.
Anyway I decided to stay up at college for my Easter break
but in about 45 minutes the boy should be knocking on my door.
We're going to celebrate Easter together and then my sister will
be visiting me from Sunday afternoon to about Tuesday afternoon.
To be honest I wish my boyfriend was staying the entire time
but I do love my sister and I will be happy to hang out with her.
I just hope she doesn't get too terribly bored up here, there's really
not all that much to do. On the bright side, she agreed to try
being vegan while she is with me, YAY!
Anyway, I am going to try and squeeze in a nap before the boy comes.
I have a feeling I won't be sleeping all that much tonight ;)

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